Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
All are Welcome!

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Welcome to
Solebury Friends Meeting

Photograph of the Solebury Friends Meeting Sign: Worship with us - Sunday at 10 am

Visitors from all faith traditions, as well as those looking for a faith community for the first time, are welcome here. We invite Seekers of all backgrounds, identities, and personal attributes.

We have an active First Day (Sunday) School and child care at 10 a.m.for our youngest members and attenders in our Education Building.

We practice an unprogrammed Quaker Meeting, worshiping together in silence, expectantly waiting on the Spirit. No clergy leads us, no formal prayers are said, no religious symbols are displayed.

Vocal ministry is welcome from anyone who is so moved during Meeting for Worship. By standing and sharing these messages we deepen our spirituality and our community.

The Foundational beliefs of Solebury Friends Meeting include that:

there is a spark of the Divine in each person, an Inner Light
each person is part of the entire human family
truths are continuously evolving through continuing revelation

Ours is an experiential spirituality grounded in 350 years of practice, historic yet uniquely dynamic and contemporary.

Icon of 2 leaves and plus symbols
Do you prefer


to rituals?

Quakers feel that truth and understanding can be found in silent reflection.
Learn How
Icon of 2 leaves and plus symbols


Is about taking the time to examine your life, choosing to focus on what is truly important, and allowing the other things to fall away.
An icon of 3 leaves representing connection
Are you looking for


with a community?

Quakers offer a community where you can be heard and appreciated for who you are.
Learn How
An icon of 3 leaves representing connection


Calls for us to support and
care for one another. When a group is united in purpose a synergy is created that is greater than any single individual.
An icon of a hand offering a branch with leaves
Are you seeking


in the world?

In pursuit of a lasting, sustainable peace, Quakers seek to eliminate the causes of violent conflict.
Learn How
An icon of a hand offering a branch with leaves


Focuses on seeking justice for all people. While conflict is inevitable, Quakers believe that war and violence do not solve disagreements.

An icon with 3 leaves, one containing a heart, representing equality.
Do you believe in


for all?

Quakers believe that everyone is worthy of respect and love.
Learn How
An icon with 3 leaves, one containing a heart, representing equality.


Individual differences are honored, and discrimination and prejudice are rejected. We should treat people the way that we would like to be treated.
An icon of a heart radiating above 2 leaves representing spirituality.
Do you feel more


than religious?

Quakers believe in the Golden Rule:
‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you’.
Learn How
An icon of a heart radiating above 2 leaves representing spirituality.


Means saying what you mean and meaning what you say. It calls for truth in all of your words, honesty in all of your interactions, and responsibly acting on what you believe./div>

An icon with a leaf, heart, shield and plus signs representing social justice.
Do you see


as a human right?

Quakers can often be found quietly working towards equity for all throughout the world.
Learn How
Icon of 2 leaves and plus symbols


Taking care of the things
we own and use. Not only our personal possessions, but taking good care of the earth by using only our fair share of the earth’s resources.

Events & Worship


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The Quaker Way

The Light Within

The essential experience of Friends is that of a direct, unmediated relationship with the Divine. Friends have used many terms or phrases to refer to the inner certainty of our faith: the Light Within, the Inner Light, the Christ Within, the Inward Teacher, the Divine Presence, Spirit, the Great Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, that of God in every person, and the Seed. In his journal, George Fox referred to “that Inward Light, Spirit, and Grace by which all might know their salvation” and to “that Divine Spirit which would lead them into all truth.” Today Friends continue to use these terms and have added others out of a sense of ongoing revelation. For some Friends, “spiritual energy” best describes their personal experience of that which enlivens and empowers them in seeking truth for themselves and in community. In contrast with early Friends, not all Friends today consider themselves to be Christians or even theists. Friends come from very diverse religious backgrounds and experiences and apply their different perspectives as they encounter the Light Within. Regardless of the journey that brings individuals to explore the Quaker way, the invitation to enter into an unmediated, inward relationship with the Divine continues to be at the heart of Quaker experience.

Through this relationship, each person encounters the Spirit, active in the world, and providing guidance for everyday living. The reality of this spiritual relationship within each worshipper brings the Friends meeting together as a community of faith. Friends understand that faithfulness to Spirit can produce a spiritual energy within their faith community that encourages them to support each other within that community, and most of all, to live in harmony with the Divine.

Friends also understand that the experience of God continues to unfold and that the record of God’s presence in human lives continues to be written.

-PYM Faith and Practice

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