What to Expect

Visitors from all faith traditions, as well as those looking for a faith community for the first time, are welcome here. We invite Seekers of all backgrounds, identities, and personal attributes.

Exterior view of Solebury Friends Meeting porch roof and sky

Worship & Growth

Friends come from all walks of life. Some were born into Quaker families while many others are spiritual seekers who have come to Quakerism and found a new home. Learn more.

First Day School

For children ages of 3 through high school, and there is childcare for those who are younger. Learn more.


Quakers offer a community where you can be heard and appreciated for who you are. Learn more.


Set in a scenic landscape, the grounds are alive with nature. Learn more.
Exterior view of Solebury Friends Meeting porch roof and sky


Friends come from all walks of life. Some were born into Quaker families while many others are spiritual seekers who have come to Quakerism and found a new home. Many Meeting members and attenders cite Meeting for Worship as a place of deep personal growth and spiritual nurturing. Friends believe that the Divine can speak directly to each of us through the Light Within. Thus there is no need for an intermediary or clergy in our times of worship.

First Day School

First Day School meets weekly during the school year in the “Education Building” from 10:00 until 10:45, when we join Meeting for Worship. Children from the age of 3 through high school are welcome, and there is childcare for those who are younger. Lessons are planned for each week that include games,crafts, discussions, or service projects with the goal of creating community amongst young Friends and making First Day School fun.
Exterior view of Solebury Friends Meeting porch roof and sky
Exterior view of Solebury Friends Meeting porch roof and sky


Through this relationship, each person encounters the Spirit, active in the world, and providing guidance for everyday living. The reality of this spiritual relationship within each worshipper brings the Friends meeting together as a community of faith. Friends understand that faithfulness to Spirit can produce a spiritual energy within their faith community that encourages them to support each other within that community, and most of all, to live in harmony with the Divine.


Set in a scenic landscape, the Meetinghouse was established in 1806. The grounds are alive with nature also feature a community building, graveyard, and multiple outbuildings.
Exterior view of Solebury Friends Meeting porch roof and sky

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